Make Gaseous

Make Gaseous
List: Alchemist
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Any Two Rank 4 of Potions, Poisons, or Solutions
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows the alchemist to make some alchemical items gaseous. All gaseous items have a radius indoors and outdoors and effects every one in the radius, including the character who delivered it if they are in the area of effect. To determine who is effected, the character struck with the gas or the closest player to the gas should stretch their arms out to either side and turn in a circle and anyone in that radius that the player can touch is affected.

This skill cannot be used on alchemical items that have already been created. Using this skill increases the number of Production Points and Reagent Tags needed by +100%, as well as 1pt. of Acid.

Whether this skill works on an alchemical item is noted in the item’s description.

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